The Language of Scent


It’s all in the nose couldn’t be truer when it comes to learning about scent. Training your senses to pick up on different notes is something that develops from years of exploring the families that belong to the fragrance wheel.

Whether it is floral, fresh, oriental or woody, we will be drawn to the same scent time and again, often without even realising. A ‘Fragrance Family’ is a classification system which has been used for years by the perfume industry placing perfumes in to a certain group based on their dominant characteristic.

The beauty of a scent is its power to evoke memories as if they happened yesterday. You may be drawn to different scents depending on the season but you will often find that there is one underlying note that will connect them altogether.

Choosing a scent that you love couldn’t be simpler at The Candle Cabin as you are able to select the prominent note that your nose desires and simply see which combinations whet your appetite. If you are looking for a gift then a floral fragrance will always be a hit, giving a sense of bringing the outside in and our male friends are often drawn towards a more woody scent.

Burning a luxury candle is often saved for a drinks or dinner party yet you’d be surprised at how uplifting you will feel if you light one on a regular basis. Least of all making you feel special (because you are!) but also to help you relax and allowing the stresses of the day to disappear, something which I am sure we can all relate to.

At our wedding I lit my favourite scent, Palais d’Été by Manuel Canovas which is made up from the floral family of jasmine, lily of the valley, peony and honeysuckle and it smells divine. I placed them throughout all the rooms and still to this day when I light one at home I am taken back to the moment I said ‘I do’. Simply put, do not underestimate the power that this sense has over us. As I realised we can plan many things down to the last detail, picturing what we/ our guests would see, hear and feel yet the most common sense to be overlooked is smell, and in my opinion, it is the most evocative.

If you would like any advice on a particular scent or are looking for an event then please do contact me as I would be delighted to help. Email:

Remember to always use candles safely and wisely.



Candle Safety

When it comes to candles there are always lots of questions… What is the minimum time to burn a candle? How do you get rid of black marks? We’ve listed a few do’s and don’t’s below to get all the enjoyment out of your luxury candle.

  1. First and foremost, never leave a burning candle unattended.
  2. Always burn candles on a heat resistant surface. Candle holders may become hot and damage furniture. A good heat resistant surface can be made from a ceramic tile (cover bottom with felt to protect furniture).
  3. Keep all burning candles away from children and pets.
  4. Position candles away from flammable objects (curtains, fabrics etc).
  5. Place freestanding candles in a shallow dish or bowl to catch the wax in case of a blowout.
  6. Do not burn candles to the very bottom.
  7. To avoid black marks on a shelf or wall make sure the candle is positioned away from the wall and without a shelf too close above it.
  8. To remove black marks from the candle glass, extinguish the candle and wipe the glass with a dry cloth. Make sure the wick is upright and allow the candle to solidify. Trim the wick to 5mm and relight the candle.
  9. A candle should be burnt for at least four hours. This is to allow the top layer of wax to be melted and therefore avoiding a drop in the centre of the candle.
  10. Always trim the wick to 5mm once the candle has solidified as this will maintain an even burn.

Life at The Candle Cabin

The Candle Cabin is an online luxury candle retailer based in London.

At the helm of the business is Rebecca Middleton, who has an obsession for candles and is always on the look out for new and exciting scents on her travels. Rebecca’s mission is to showcase luxury candles from all over the globe on one site.

The Candle Cabin allows our customers to browse a range of luxury candles with ease and to have the ability to search by scent, price and weight. Our candles should be a treat for the customer themselves, or a unique gift for someone special.

Launched in 2015, The Candle Cabin aspires to be the leading online distributor of luxury candles, bringing you, the customer, scents from the world over.